Watchman Willie Martin Archive

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Sheriff

The Sheriff is an elected law officer and is the only legalized law enforcing agent in the County. The citizens of the county are his legal helpers or his Posse, and are to be called to his aid whenever necessary. When called as such, they are known as the "Posse Comitatus" which means "the whole power of the Country."

All other law agencies do not have such authority as they are agents of some governing body representing an authority already delegated to them by "We The People" and they may not exceed the bounds of the governing agency they represent. But this is not so with the county Sheriff. The Sheriff is the supreme law enforcing agent of "We The People."

In the case of People vs. Keeler, 36 S.Ct. N.Y. (29 Hun) 175, we find: "The Constitution does not permit the legislature to take away the power and duties of such an officer (Sheriff) and give them to another...and further, A law, therefore, which vests in the superintendent of a penitentiary the powers and duties of jailor of the count (for example), in which that institution is situated, infringes the common law and constitutional rights of the sheriff of that county, who is ex‑officio the jailor, and is unconstitutional and void."

Another case was reported as saying: "It is competent for the state legislature to impose new duties upon the sheriff growing out of public policy or convenience, but it cannot strip him of his time‑honored and common law function."

It is your Sheriff who must protect your Common Law Rights and your Constitutional Rights or be removed from office. It is your Sheriff who must be as such as knows the law and is willing to obey it. He should know the origin of the United States, the Christian Common Law, the original charters, contracts, and compacts or Constitutional Laws or he should not be elected or appointed to the position of Sheriff. The First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States declares your right to speak out against abusive public servants. The Second Amendment declares your right to defend yourself against abusive public servants.

The Ninth and Tenth Amendments declares your right to take action to uphold the law if abusive public servants attempt to deprive you of your legal and religious rights and refuse or neglect to uphold them. They are not allowed to exceed their delegated authority given them by "We The People." It is the right, duty, and responsibility of the Sheriff to protect all your constitutional rights!

State ex Rel Thompson vs. Reichman, 135 Tenn. 653, 685, 188 SW 225, 597 Ann Cas 1918 B 889, explains: "It has been expressly held in some jurisdictions that the duty of the sheriff in the enforcement of the law against public offenses implies initiative on his part. He must be reasonably alert with respect to possible violations of the law and is not entitled to wait until they come to his personal attention and knowledge, but must follow up information received from any source."

The Sheriff is not only the top law‑enforcement officer in your County, but according to Blackstone's Commentaries in[1]: "The Sheriff may hold court, summon a jury and execute writs, etc. The Sheriff's jury would be a Common Law Jury as already described, when acting as a judicial officer."

Concerning the use of the Posse Comitatus by the Sheriff you will find in the section of Corpus Jurus Secondum relating to the Sheriff and constables the reference to the Posse Comitatus as follows: "In a proper case a sheriff may summon to his aid, in the enforcement of the law and preservation of the peace, the 'Posse Comitatus,' or the whole power of the County, and persons so called by the Sheriff are bound to aid and assist him."

In the case of Eaton vs. Bernalillo County, N.M. 128 p. 2d 738, 46 N.M. 142 A.L.R. 647 Proclaimed: "The right of the sheriff to summon a posse comitatus exists by virtue of the Common Law."

As established by the Ninth and Tenth Amendments, all power resides in the people, and if their representation, or the sheriff, does not uphold the law, which is the Constitution of the United States, then it is the duty of the people themselves to do what the representation or the sheriff refuses to do or neglects to do to uphold the Constitution of the United States, to summon their own Posse Comitatus, and enforce the Constitution against all violators.

If we the people come into knowledge of crimes committed against the Constitution of these United States, our Christian Common Law and each other it is not only our responsibility but our duty to report them officially to the sheriff, and if he is derelict in his duty, if he does not or will not investigate such reports and if he will not or does not prepare to take action officially against the offenders, then it becomes the right, duty and responsibility of the people themselves to handle the matter. It also become the right, duty, and responsibility of the people to punish politicians, judges, and other of responsibility when they are found to be in violation of their oath of office to UPHOLD and enforce the Constitution of the United States of America when their legally elected law enforcing agency does not or will not take corrective action.

Some instances of record provide for the following prosecution of officials of government who are convicted of committing criminal acts or who violate their oath of office: "He shall be removed by the Posse to the most populated intersection of streets in the township and at high noon there be strung by the neck, the body remaining until sundown as an example to those who would subvert the law."

The laws of our nation provide for the death penalty for any public official convicted of violating his oath of office. He is to be tried for treason because this gives aid and comfort to the enemies of the Cities, Counties, States and the United States of America.

Posse Comitatus can be found in 1 Blackstone's Commentaries 343, and in Cokes Institutes Cokes 2d Institute 193, Cokes 3rd Inst. 161, and Cokes 2nd Inst. 454. Other Cases: Johnson's N.Y. Reports; 10 Johns 85; 2 Jones N.C. 339; 12 Jurist 1052; WINST. 144; 20 Ga. 598; 34 Vt. 69; 5 Tex. App. 60; 5 Whart. 437; Hamm. N.P. 63; 2 Mod. 244; 78 Me. 373; 19 Am. Dec. 122.

Having been dispossessed of our original Theocratic Constitutional Republic by alien forces dispossessed to force "We The People" of the United States into an International totalitarian despotic One‑World‑Government [New World Order], we must bring this to the attention of our Sheriffs. If he refuses to investigate the complaint or notice, or exercise the sheriff's common law power to hold court and try the offenders, the duty and right reverts to the people who then must impanel their own Citizen's Grand Jury, try the offenders and carry out the sentence via Posse Comitatus Action.

Have the county courts and the circuit courts in your state been abolished and state courts established in their place? Has your county clerk's office been abolished and replaced by a state office called by the same name? Has your county sheriff been neutralized by having his authority controlled by the state instead of the county? Is your county sheriff now found solely under the executive branch functions instead of the judicial or has all mention of the county sheriff simply been deleted from your present state constitution? Now you know why such actions were taken. It is an effort to remove the power of the Common Law from the Sheriffs and "We The People."

Lawyers Are Enemies of Liberty

All of this is being done in many states under the alleged mandate of the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. The states cannot establish legislative courts within the counties without the support of some external authority. They do not possess the intrinsic power of and by themselves. They must therefore claim a mandate in the Fourteenth to justify their subversive acts. ���

When confronted with their acts they will respond that it was necessary in order to assure all those citizens of D.C. [re: Social Security participants] the measure of "due process" to which they are entitled. Upon that pretext the lawyers are overthrowing our form of government. In most of the original state constitutions the county sheriff was provided for under both the judicial and the executive functions of the state government. Why did the Founding Fathers of the several states find it necessary to place such emphasis upon the office of sheriff?

Answer: Because the county sheriff under the state's Christian Common Law Republic is the highest law enforcement official. He had both executive and judicial functions for the state. The office of sheriff served process for both the executive branch of the state government [including the administrative] and the judicial branch whose authority was derived from, and executed at, the county level.

The office of sheriff authorization is in the constitution. Under most of the original state constitutions there could be no state troopers or executive level [legislatively controlled] law enforcement. The county sheriff's duties were to enforce the law of the country [power of the county]. The county was a separate political unit which had rights of self determination which superseded enactments of the legislative assembly. For instance, say the legislators of a state passed a personal income tax bill, and the executive branch began to enforce the enactment against you because you refused to obey the legislative enactment.

The executive branch [the Attorney General's office and Department of Justice] would issue charges [a complaint] against you and the county sheriff, being subject to the executive under provisions of the state constitution, would serve the process on you. You, in turn, would file counter charges in a court which had full judicial power to hear allegations regarding the unconstitutionality of the legislative enactment. Your allegations would attack the constitutional validity intended to be enforced by the complaint, and asserting that the Legislative Assembly had violated the state constitution. "Searches and Seizures. The people shall be secure in their persons, houses, papers and possessions, from all unreasonable seizures or searches, and no warrant to search any place, or to seize any person or thing, shall issue without describing them as near as may be, nor without probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation."[2]

The above provisions are found in every state constitution as well as the federal one and, if enforceable, would nullify all attempts at assessing and collecting a personal income tax. The personal income tax act is unconstitutional because by requiring you to file the tax return form it invades your vested and protected right to be secure in your person, houses, papers & affects.

By requiring the filing of such tax forms the legislative assemblies are obviously violating the provisions quoted above. Rights are absolute, government powers are conditional. Where the exercise of conditional governmental powers violate absolute rights, the enactment is unconstitutional, null and void. What condition must governmental power meet to be legitimately exercised? the exercise of power must uphold absolute rights, and never can that power be used for a contrary purpose.

In a Christian Common Law Republic, while the Legislative Assembly has the power to pass tax legislation, they are precluded from taxing a vested unalienable or inalienable right nor can they impose taxation in such a way as to supersede other restrictions laid on them by the Bill of Rights in the respective state constitutions. The courts holding the judicial power, in a Christian Common Law form of Republic, have the power to protect the citizen from an unconstitutional enactment such as the income tax statute, by refusing to regard it as law.

Those courts listed must act in accordance with the constitution that created them and gave them life. In all the states admitted prior to 1865, when the state constitution was adopted it included all the protections afforded by its Bill of Rights [3]; and the circuit, and county courts had Christian Common Law Jurisdiction and the necessary judicial power to enforce the Christian Common Law maxims embodied in that Bill of Rights.

Removing the Christian Common Law powers from those courts, by amending the state constitutions, left the courts without the necessary power to enforce the provisions in the respective State Bill of Rights; provisions which were originally adopted by the people for protection from the very government they were creating. The key words that were necessary to give the courts the Christian Common Law Jurisdiction, i.e., the power to protect us from government usurpations, have been removed from all the constitutions of the several states, or nearly so. Maybe this explains why the respective states tout themselves as the home of the free, as long as you get a license [i.e. permission to be free]!

Consolidation of Power

Hasn't the amending of your state constitution reduced the sheriff to an administrative official of the state, subject only to the executive of the state, which in turn is subject only to the legislative branch? Although it may not appear so on the surface, as you have seen, the separation of powers for all intents and purposes in completely broken down; and the respective state republics are now within the definitive boundaries of socialist international law. Today the governments of the several states have only one effective branch, the legislative branch. All power in the state governments now effectively rests in that one branch just the same as it does in the U.S.S.R. under its socialist‑communist‑illuminati constitution.

By the amending of the state constitutions, the states, in both fact and law, have become socialist‑communist‑illuminati republics, and the people are left powerless to bring the legislative power over them into check under their current constitutions. Our national government is called by the name United States of America, but it would be much more factual if it where called the United Socialist States of America. Americans have been informed throughout their lives that our national government is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

When the people of the several states of the Union set aside the Christian Common Law for anti‑Christ socialism‑communism‑illuminati and accordingly altered their several republics to conform, the United States government followed the people and reorganized itself too. To comply with the people's alleged wishes, Congress expanded their own exclusive legislative power, found in Article I, Section 8, Clause 17, of the Constitution for the United States of America.

��� [1] 1 Bla. Com. 389.

��� [2] Article 1, Section 9, Texas Constitution (1876).

��� [3] Article I.

Reference Materials